Part Three: It all began several months ago

Do not speak your complaints and cry like babies with all your annoyances to anyone who will listen. Pray and take heart. Write it out, for God knows your thoughts. The enemy is dumb and cannot read or hear your thoughts, but it can listen to you complaining and whining. God blesses you with healing. God gives rest and peace. The enemy tricks you into chaos, confusion, and death… he is a lair, but it starts with what you speak out loud.

Get caught up:

It was a record-breaking heat wave in Colorado, 107 degrees. My son was born on one of the hottest days ever. Jason and I made a mixed CD to play during the delivery; whichever song played when he arrived would be his song. Best of You by the Foo Fights

Growth and Gratitude

Since my son’s birth, I’ve often heard that time would fly, but I never realized just how quickly. Those early days were filled with beautiful moments and many challenges as a new mom. For most of Tristan’s early life, it was just us; my husband was physically present but emotionally absent. He carried his own family scars and didn’t know what being a dad or having a family truly looked like. Despite this, I’m proud of my husband for his growth and for breaking generational curses. Until Tristan was a teenager, it was mostly just us.

Tristan was my right-hand man—easygoing, helpful, and a sweet encourager. He always cared deeply about his teachers, often bringing them their favorite treats. He categorized his teachers into “mom-teacher,” “uncle-teacher,” and “grandpa-teacher,” and later did the same at his workplace, making these people his family. Tristan isn’t easily persuaded and holds high standards for his peers, but he’s one of the most loving, kind, and wise kids. I’m so thankful for him.

Triumphs and Trials

We’ve been through so much together in these 18—almost 19—year tests, meetings, appointments, and silent moments. Moving all over the U.S. sometimes feels like a blur. The financial struggles, losses, fights, and lack of understanding were heavy burdens for us as a family, but looking at him in his cap and gown makes me smile. Kid, you did it, and you did it so well.

Planning his future while living in the present was a mental strain. Attending all the FFA meetings, activities, and senior events while juggling work was tough. Tristan received multiple scholarships and an apprenticeship, taking him to Wisconsin before returning to finish in a neighboring town. I’m scared but filled with joy because I know what it took to get here. I believe in you and God; He will walk with you every step of the way.

I had given notice to my employer before graduation. This freedom brought a sense of relief despite the tight schedule. Visiting colleges, attending scholarship dinners, and the Church Graduation event were sweet moments. I’m so glad I could be there without all the guilt. Looking back at all the photos, I pinch myself; we made it! Tristan and his Poppy share a strong bond, starting and ending their days with calls and texts, and I am so happy he was able to have his Poppy at some of these events as well.

Graduation wasn’t how I imagined, but I’m glad it’s over. My mom and I worked hard on food and decorations, but no one came. Graduation was on a Thursday, which made it hard for people to attend. With Tristan leaving for his senior trip the next day, we couldn’t wait to celebrate later. Despite regrets, it all worked out. It was still a heartwarming moment I will hold dear forever.

Life’s Masterpiece: Joy, Pain, and Growth

Mentally, I was drained, crying in the closet, managing work, travel, and my daughter’s school change. Our journey has been full of bright, bold colors, pain, sickness, and tears, creating a collage of watercolors—a masterpiece of our life’s emotions and history. This ride is far from over. It can be stressful and scary, overwhelming and unfair, but also amazingly beautiful.

The tears are not all sad; many come from laughter and joy. We’ve had long nights of fights, heartache, family gatherings, parties, and joyful occasions. We’ve enjoyed great conversations, food and drinks, fire pits, and hilarious times. Tense moments have led to closer bonds, deeper friendships, and greater wisdom.

Embracing the Journey

My life—and truly our life—is a book filled with stories. I have chosen to write about them. I know it’s scary to read, fearing the uncomfortable truths I might reveal, but I will never stop. I share life’s hard, beautiful, and raw parts—we all live, like it or not. It’s the magical journey we all experience, both good and bad.

This transition has pulled me in many directions, and not everything I feel is pretty or lovely. Sometimes, I’m sad, and that’s okay. My life is changing. Yet, a part of me is deeply grateful and joyful for my family and our journey.

As we prepare for this next big transition, I ask for prayers for my family and God’s guidance. We will continue to be open to His direction.

In closing

As we continue to walk together, I hold onto the love and resilience that have carried us this far. Life’s journey is unpredictable and filled with highs and lows—I know this for sure! But I trust that we have each other every step of the way. I am thankful for every moment, every lesson, and every blessing. With faith, hope, and love, we will face whatever comes next together.

motherhood, family, faith, stories
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