You Matter| Hold On To Hope

Take your time, don’t rush the days,
Life’s a journey in countless ways.
Each moment holds a chance to grow,
To learn the things we need to know.

Patience is a gentle friend,
With it, broken hearts can mend.
Allow yourself the space to be,
To wander, wonder, and be free.

Explore the world with open eyes,
Beneath the vast and endless skies.
In every step, a story’s told,
In every heart, a dream unfolds.

Love well and let love find you too,
In kindness, let your spirit brew.
For love will light the darkest night,
And make our burdens become light.

Give yourself the time to learn,
To feel the joy for which you yearn.
For in the quiet, seeds will sprout,
In time, your purpose will come out.

Embrace the joy of every breath,
In patience, find your inner strength.
With hope, each day becomes a chance,
To join life’s unending dance.

So trust the path that lies ahead,
In every moment that you tread.
Live with wonder, love, and cheer,
And know your purpose will appear.


Your life matters

motherhood, family, faith, stories
© Copyright All Rights Reserved


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