Humbly, Gratefully, In Love

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  • I am finally free to be loved and love. Being in love feels really good. Not being scared to be loved and love back totally 100% me in the first me ever. It feels good. It’s new for me. I’m not the best at it but I’m thankful for it.
  • Having the world’s greatest husband. Jason is not only a wonderful provider, father, and husband to me… He’s so much more than that, even though that’s plenty enough. He is a my best friend, a spiritual guide to me and our family. He settles me down and a compass when I’m lost. I know without a doubt Jason is a gift from God not just to me, but for this family.
  • Our home is finally feeling real. It’s a safe place, a refuge and place of happiness for me now. I hope I’m creating that for the rest of the family.
  • A Church family. It’s a blessing to have a place to worship together. To come join with people and open our Bibles, to sing, to laugher, to lean on one another and worship God in His house is a real blessing! I am truly so thankful to have a place with good solid people.
  • Tristan and Gigi. They make me the most of every feeling a person could have. Scared and joyful. Happy and anxious. Proud and frustrated. So much love that just going on and on. They are the best part of me and I am and will forever be so grateful to be their mom. My love for them is infinite.
  • Friday Night Lights! High School Football! Texas football is no joke here and I love it! It’s really a show but it’s more than entertaining, It’s just one of the ways Texas has brought our family closer together! It’s also helped to get Tristan more involved in School! I love the Texas pride!
  • Texas! We have lived in far too many states, which has given me a good idea which ones are livable. Texas was made for our family! The Texas pride and honor is something we can stand by! I love it here! The weather, the beauty, the amazingly friendly people, the great schools and fresh air! I love me some Texas! But we’re full, so don’t come here!
  • My puppies. Without their wet cold noises, cuties curly trails and wonky ears… I wouldn’t get the cheery pick up that I need so many times in my day. They are the medicine no doctor could prescribe!
  • Mental Health. The clarity that I had currently is night and day from where I was a few years ago. I have come so far. I’m so proud of myself. I have tools in my pocket and I know how to use them now. I feel good and I’m happy.
  • Physical Health. I’ve made drastic changes and have lost 69.7 as of 9/20/2021. I went from size 16 to size 8/7. The sacrifice and dedication to stop things and add new things has been hard at times, but overall it’s been the best blessing!
  • A peaceful walk. Having a body that doesn’t hurt all the time is a gift. My walks are a blessing, moving my body, being in the fresh air with Jesus, just enjoying the moment, I treasure it!
  • Paying my bills. This might seems like a weird thing to add but if you’ve ever not been able to pay your bills and can now… You might understand the relief that it is. To finally not just be getting by. I’m so grateful.
  • My oils and Scentsy. I know DoTERRA is real authentic oils and I use them for so many things. I love it! Where as Scentsy is a fragrance. They’re totally different but they both bring me a lot of joy. I have earn an income with Scentsy and it’s fun! DoTERRA helps me feels good! So they both have been a real blessing.
  • Life Coaching and Counselling every week! I don’t even have real words… just simply thankful!
  • New friendships and Life long Friendships. Having a trust worthy friendships with people in my how been so important. I feel so blessed for my friends!
  • Family. The people that give you the most grief but also carry you through the hard times. I’m so thankful for my people.
  • 380 Life change. God had given me a huge life change. Without His love, mercy and light I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am grateful for my relationship with Jesus Christ and the massive life change I’ve had. I’m so grateful.
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

*** My anniversary is this weekend and I am really excited to celebrate it this weekend more than any other time in our marriage. After all Jason and I have been through, the family issues, the hurt and traveling and pain… We have had a long hard road and so many obstacles, but we somehow we’ve managed to stick it out together. Sure we’ve had some really good times too but it’s too been really hard too.

Every anniversary was a time to just get a break together and try to reconnect or out of responsibility, but this one is different. We are newly re-in love with each other. When we look at each other, we just smile. I light up! I get butterflies with Jason and I’m so proud of to have him as my husband and the father of my husband. We can’t wait to spend time together and be near one another. How blessed I am to be married to my best friend. I’m just excited to celebrate 17 years of marriage. I love him so much.

This is a poem I wrote back in the day for my guy.

the giver

The best gift that I could ever give you is the gift to know the One who made you.

take a sit and put up your feet

eat this bread then rest your head

come inside, it’s warm and dry

new threads and a kiss on your forehead

whatever you need I want to pleases

if you’re sick, I’m your antibiotic

every story I will read

every meal I will feed

if you find that you’re wary

I’ll be here to carry

the days that you’re too tired

I’ll be here to inspire

has the dust been to much?

do not wince, away it’s rinsed

take my hands when you can

I will walk for you if you want me too

hold you tight throughout the night

you need my eyes to see?

then take them if you need

most of all you have to know

take this love and hold it so

love is all I have left to give

I hope it’s enough to help you live

the giver I have been to you

is nothing compared to what God can do

when you’ve failed,

see Grace unveiled

are you lost and have paid an Earthly cost?

have faith and know He loves you so

the ultimate Giver walks at your side

my love


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