Berry Healthy Way to Live

Here are my six fantastic berries, but my top five are raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, and cherry. The last one depends on the season: in winter, cranberries, but at any other time, blueberries. If I must eat fruit, I prefer berries. I would much rather eat veggies, but that wasn’t the prompt. Maybe next time! In … More Berry Healthy Way to Live

My Name Is…

Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc. As the story goes, my parents initially thought of naming me Wendy, but somewhere along the way, they had a change of heart, and I was given the name Sarah Louise. I must admit, I had a deep dislike for my middle name, considering it … More My Name Is…

Farewell to the Overused Trio: Actually, Technically, and Literally

Have you ever found yourself trapped in the labyrinth of words, struggling to escape the clutches of redundancy? Fear not, for you are not alone! We all have our linguistic quirks and pet peeves. I, for one, have embarked on a quest to broaden my thesaurus capabilities and improve my writing. It’s been a year … More Farewell to the Overused Trio: Actually, Technically, and Literally